When mass layoffs happen in the US, remote staff augmentation turns to Latin America


3 min read

With the prospects of a pending recession challenging growth, many medium and large sized companies in the U.S. have started laying off thousands of employees. 

Hundreds of tech companies have also been affected, including startups like Gemini and On Deck, as well as giants like Microsoft, Google, Apple, and Amazon. In fact, Google announced in mid-July that it would be pausing its hiring processes, while Apple cut 100 recruitment contractors across several regions in early August. Recently, Amazon laid off around 100k employees after it overstaffed its warehouses to compensate for pandemic-driven demand. This places a large burden on the existing labor pool to try to keep up the same work with fewer resources.

The companies who adapt the fastest will survive

In order to survive and thrive during these challenging times, businesses need to devise plans to help them adapt. It’s not the strongest companies that will survive – it’s those that can pivot, move quickly, and implement the necessary changes. All-in- all, the ability and willingness of an organization to adapt is a great competitive

Companies should also prepare their finances for the coming years. This way, they will be better positioned to handle challenging circumstances.

Speaking of embracing changes, to avoid canceling business critical programs and laying off staff, US companies should consider using a nearshore staff augmentation service.

One way companies can avoid laying off staff is by relying on nearshore staff augmentation services – instead of directly hiring in-house staff members. 

By partnering with a nearshore staff augmentation company, you can spend less money on recruitment, work alongside qualified employees, and simply cancel the service when it’s no longer required. 

In other words, you don’t have to deal with the painful layoff experience. 

Why Giga IT is the perfect staff augmentation partner

If you’re looking to hire temporary software developers, project managers, quality assurance managers, or customer service teams, visit the Giga IT website today.

We’re a professional IT staff augmentation company offering custom software development services. You can rest assured that we will get you the best candidates to complete your custom software development project. 

Having team members with the right expertise and worth ethic is essential for any successful project. And as your team grows and enters new phases, it’s crucial to add new team members to balance the workload and boost creativity. 

However, hiring in-house employees can be time-consuming and expensive. Fortunately, you can rely on Giga IT’s staff augmentation services to boost your in-house team’s productivity and scale projects. 

We can help you get the software applications development experts you need, while simultaneously boosting your team’s flexibility. This way, you can scale up and complete projects on time!

Here are a few other reasons why you should hire Giga IT:

  • Improved productivity: By working alongside Giga IT’s tech professionals, you will be able to deliver the quality software solutions you need in a shorter amount of time.
  • Reduce strain on your HR team: If you need additional team members for a short-term project, there’s often no need to hire a full-time in-house staff member. Traditional recruitment processes are also quite costly and can eat into your staffing budget. Moreover, if a candidate doesn’t work out, you are back where you started. When you work with us, we’ll help you find the perfect candidates quickly. This way, you can get your project started and have the best minds get the job done!
  • Expertise: Our cross-functional team will help you get your project done. So whether you need a project manager, software development services, or a quality assurance expert, we’ve got you covered. 

Contact us today to work with the best remote IT staff augmentation company in the market!


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